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发布时间 : 2024-11-07     点击量:

报告题目:Exploiting Data Low-Dimensional Structures by Deep Neural Networks: Error Analysis and Neural Scaling Laws

报告人:刘皓助理教授 香港浸会大学

时间:2024.11.12 09:00-11:00


报告摘要: Deep neural networks have demonstrated a great success on many applications, especially on problems with high-dimensional data sets. In spite of that, most existing statistical theories are cursed by data dimension and cannot explain such a success. To bridge the gap between theories and practice, we exploit the low-dimensional  structures of dataset and establish theoretical guarantees with a fast rate that is only cursed by the intrinsic dimension of the dataset. This presentation addresses our recent work on theories of deep neural networks that exploits low-dimensional data structures. Specifically, we establish approximation and generalization error bounds for learning functions and operators. Our results provide fast rates depending on the intrinsic dimension of data sets and show that deep neural networks are adaptive to low-dimensional structures of data sets. Our results partially provide theoretical explanations of neural scaling laws


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