Michigan州立大学Baisheng Yan教授报告通知
应我院李亦教授邀请,Michigan州立大学:Baisheng Yan教授于6月11日至6月17日来我校进行学术访问。他将报告:
On Certain Stability and Asymptotic Behaviors for a Degenerate
Landau-Lifshitz Equation
Speaker: Baisheng Yan, Michigan State University and Jilin University
Abstract: The Landau-Lifshitz equations for ferromagnetism become degenerate if the regularizing term of exchange energy is absent in the total energy. In this talk, I discuss a special degenerate Landau-Lifshitz equation associated with only the nonlocal magnetostatic energy and study certain stability and asymptotic behaviors of solutions with given uniformly bounded initial data. It is known that the solutions are stable under the strong convergence of initial data. However, I show that the solutions are unstable under the weak* convergence of initial data. Furthermore, I provide an estimate on the weak* omega-limit sets for all initial data satisfying a saturation condition.
报告时间:2012年6月16日 3:00 pm-5:00 pm