应云顶国际4008服务平台的邀请,格林威治大学Robert A. Cheke教授将对我院进行学术访问,期间将做以下学术报告:
报告题目:Bayesian Geostatistical Modelling of the Geographical Distributions of Diseases
报告人:Robert A. Cheke, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich
报告摘要:After a brief introduction to the Bayesian approach to modelling and the purpose of model ling geographical distributions, results of such modelling for a variety of diseases, each affected by different parameter sets, will be presented. Next, how a model of the geographical distribution of onchocerciasis (“river blindness”) in West Africa was constructed will be described, including discussion of parameter choices and parameter estimations needed to arrive at final posterior model estimates.
报告人简介:Dr Cheke is a professor of Tropical Zoology, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich. He has extensive experience of tropical ecology, especially in Africa, involving research and development programmes in tropical agriculture especially pest control, tropical medicine, parasitology and wildlife management. He is a population ecologist, entomologist and ornithologist, a specialist on the biology and control of onchocerciasis vectors, a specialist on biology and control of Red-billed Quelea birds. Has published more than 180 scientific papers and articles in the international scientific press, has co-written two books and has co-edited three sets of conference proceedings, two published as books the other in journal form and has edited one book.